Sunday, June 13, 2010

Yesterday, today, tomorrow

When we’re young, the feeling of invincibility is overwhelming. Think back to the times of your youth, being young and climbing the tallest tree with no harness. Riding your bike down the street, no knee pads no helmet, nothing but the wind blowing through your hair and the feeling of happiness. Freedom and youth go hand in hand. The possibility of tomorrow, another day, our last day never occurs to us. Is this because we’re sheltered from the negativity of life? Or perhaps it’s because the idea of today being your last is something we pretend to accept but secretly hope will never happen. Unfortunately reality is just that little bit different, and we as people are not immortal. Something that is immortal though and perhaps the only way to imagine life is through the memories. No matter how young or old you always have the memory you create of that yesterday, today and hopefully that tomorrow.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rants - Driving

Dear Driver, Jogger/Walker

It has come to my attention recently that you enjoy causing moments of great discomfort with your infamous stares of disgust as I innocently drive past. This is made worse for the simple fact I KNOW you are staring at me behind unveiled eyes and it MUST stop.

Let me explain. I am one of the rare kinds of drivers who takes great comfort in audio and yes this means that I enjoy singing loudly to Britney Spear’s – Three and laughing hysterically at Hamish and Andy is the perfect way to end my tiring days at university.

So I beg of you please don’t judge me anymore for I hate having to sit quietly stuck in traffic. My body is pleading to sing tunelessly and laugh with great mirth. Enough is enough, I’m taking a stand. Fellow car singers I say SING LOUD AND PROUD!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Single Diaries

Recently it has come to my attention that I’m leading a life of thrill, independence, satisfaction. Ironically I believe that I’m leading a life of terror, dependence and heaven forbid hopelessness. Each ‘thrilling’ ‘independent’ outing leaves me more and more shattered at the state of my life.

Arguably this topic is a cliché, a monolithic topic that bears no results. Singleness. Even just typing the word gives me goose bumps, I know I’m not doing my feminist sisters any justice but let’s cut the crap here everyone in this world wants someone special as much as we deny it. It’s what society expects of us after all. So by not adhering to the norms shouldn’t I be rejoicing, praising my ability to be different, unique, to be someone one who can say NO to the strict rules and structures of our world. I wish. Instead I find myself crying, begging and pleading to be included in this world which seems to have no room for me.

In true Sex and the City form I find myself looking at the world around me, constantly searching for that someone (even I have not reached a stage where anyone will do). Alas it seems all my searching leaves me empty, feeling worse than when I started my search of what now seems the impossible. Am I too harsh on myself? Do I have higher than normal standards? Am I not good enough? Worse is the continuous question that I won’t allow myself to think but can’t stop thinking.... IS IT ME? 

Singledom places mayhem on ones self-esteem, it constantly plagues you with questions and self accusations. I started to pick on everything wrong I’ve done or am doing until even I won’t go out with me. This is what it has come down to, a sense of motivational prep talks or a self loathing talk. It’s all too much to bear. I know I’m coming out strong but can any of us truly deny not being in the same situation and achieving the same results. If you can you’re obviously living a life of delusion and lies, it’s time to accept what you are my friend. You, me a few others in this world we’re no different. We’re singles. The world unfortunately has no room for us singles or so I’ve noticed. It is full of two’s, love songs and happily ever after. 
All my couple friends tell me that it will be ok; I will find that right someone who will sweep me off my feet. All the clichés of the world are thrown at me until my head feels like it’s about to explode.

Ah the patronising tones of those in love however, when they realise you’re no longer listening is when you get in trouble. Behold a tactical change about how lucky we are to be single, the freedom it gives us, the power, the joy. It takes a lot of courage not to rudely remark that perhaps if they dumped their significant other they too can be single and enjoy the freedom, power or joy. Better yet come out and get hit on by people who are years older than you, married or just plain scary and tell me that life is full of roses for us single people then.